EMCO Wheaton
Fulfilling your marine, truck and rail car loading arm needs.

Company Profile
Over 100 Years of Manufacturing Experience
For over 30 years, J. H. Menge and EMCO Wheaton have partnered to supply hundreds of marine loading arms and hundreds of truck and rail loading arms in the Gulf Coast. Our engineers, technicians and fabricators can custom build a loading arm solution to meet any loading or unloading project specification.
Marine Division – EMCO WHEATON (AARIG Terminal Systems and Continental EMSCO (CE)) Marine Loading Arms are custom manufactured for the application, from standard petrochemical service to cryogenic loading/unloading. EMCO Wheaton’s Houston based service team can provide marine loading arm servicing and rebuilding for any marine loading arm application.
Truck & Rail Division – EMCO Wheaton’s CE/LSI truck & rail loading arms come in a variety of styles and mounting options for any given application.
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Find Your Custom Solution
Contact us for the right answer to your custom marine equipment requirements.
Specially engineered marine equipment sure to meet your project’s needs.
Marine Loading Arms
Deck Equipment
Mooring Hooks
Please contact any member of JH Menge’s team about any of the products and manufacturers represented.